Initial post worth 20 points
In 150 words (minimum), answer the following:
Select one of the four elements of enforceable contract law and explain what it means (see Appendix A in your text). How might knowledge of this specific element help a businessperson create an enforceable contract?
Choose one of the six antitrust and business regulations (see Appendix A, p. 520, in your text). State what you feel is the key takeaway for a business manager from your chosen anti-trust and business regulation. You may wish to review this week’s highlighted video to help you craft your answer.
Once a business has secured trademarks, patents, and copyrights, they can provide legal protection for the firm. Select and define one of the three.
What is one key takeaway for any businessperson attempting to manage this business asset?
Respond to two of your peers’ initial posts in 100 words (minimum) for each. You may reply to more than two classmates, but the point limit for replies remains 10 points.
Citation Expectations: Please be sure to provide information on any source you use to develop your ideas. You will list your citation information at the bottom of your post. For now, you do not need to produce full citations; instead, simply provide as much information as you can, such as authors’ names, dates, and titles.
For support with APA-style citation, please use the reference sites below to guide your work.
Week 12: Business Law
Despite the best efforts of most businesspeople, legal issues do arise. Disputes over contracts occur, an employee may file a lawsuit for wrongful termination, or a town may challenge the environmental impact of your manufacturing facility. Good or bad, the United States has earned the dubious distinction of being the world’s most litigious society; lawsuits are as common as business deals.
This week’s journey begins with a general perspective of legislation at the federal, state, and local levels. You are encouraged to randomly select a few federal acts (laws) and become familiar with the intent of those legislative acts. These acts are intended to protect consumers, to promote competition, to provide greater employment opportunities, to ensure investor protection, and to foster cyberspace or telecommunication protection. Please note that although business executives are not expected to be legal experts, they do need to be knowledgeable and aware of laws in their specific area of responsibility.
Be mindful that a good dose of common sense also helps to avoid potential legal problems. Overall, you should walk away from this week with a high-level overview of business law, the court system, basic legal concepts, and the evolving regulatory environment in which U.S. businesses must operate.
Final course reflection. Residential students will reflect in class; online students will complete their reflection online. Throughout this course, you have had the chance to reflect on some foundational aspects of the business world. Your course reflection assignment will ask you to dig deeper into some of these aspects. Keep in mind the following:
For a business executive, ignorance of the law is no excuse.
An enforceable contract requires four key elements.
Staying compliant with regulatory law makes the business operation run smoother.
Assignment Citation Expectations (APA): Reminder: At least 1 credible source must be used to support your work on this week’s assignment. Your source(s) must be cited using APA-style format.
Week 12 Readings, Materials, and Lessons
Please read the following chapters in your course textbook, view the PowerPoint presentations (PPTs), and any other listed resources:
Appendix A: Business Law
Vocabulary Flashcard Deck: Review important terms to help you prepare for this week’s work.
Five Areas of Government Regulation of Business. Holt, M. (2019, Jan 29).
Anti-Trust Law Made Simple. (11:25). TraingingABC (2018, Jan 1). ProQuest.
5 Requirements for a Contract. Leonard, K. (2019, Feb 4).
Web Link:
Web Link 2:
Web Link 3:
Web Link 4:
Week 12 Vocabulary TermsWeek 12 Vocabulary Terms
Week 12 Vocabulary Terms
Review the following terms to help you find success in this course and program, as well as in your future career in business:
A legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties regarding a specific act or thing.
One of the four key elements of an enforceable contract. An agreement between the parties arrived at through offer and acceptance.
Common Law
Body of law that comes out of judicial decisions, some of which can be traced back to early England.
Sales Law
Body of law governing the sale of goods or services for money or on credit.
Words, symbols, or other designations used by firms to identify their offerings.
Civil wrong inflicted on one person or the person’s property by another person.
Legal dismissal of financial obligations when it is determined the filer cannot pay.
Assessment by a governmental unit.
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002)
Federal legislation is designed to deter and punish corporate and accounting fraud and corruption and to protect the interests of workers and shareholders through enhanced financial disclosures, criminal penalties on CEOs and CFOs that defraud investors, and more. Requires top corporate executives to attest to the validity of the company’s financial statements.
Consumer Product Safety Act (1972)
Established the Consumer Product Safety Commission with the authority to specify safety standards for most products.
Sherman Act (1890)
Set a competitive business system as a national policy goal. The act specifically banned monopolies and restraint of trade.
Americans with Disabilities Act (1991)
Ban discrimination against the disabled in public accommodations, transportation, and telecommunications.
Last Completed Projects
topic title | academic level | Writer | delivered |
Select a Model: Choose one of the TNA models discussed in the module. Do not choose the same model you discussed in the discussion forum. | Junior (3rd year) | Nora Z. 4.8 ★★★★☆ | 5 hours 10 min 51 sec ago |
How do Nonconforming Loans differ from Conforming Loans ? Please write in detail the advantages and disadvantages of a 15-year mortgage (versus the more traditional 30-year mortgage). | Senior (4th year) | Tanya F. 4.5 ★★★★☆ | 7 hours 37 min 27 sec ago |
Explain all the steps that a lender must take to initiate a foreclosure once the borrower defaults. | Master's | Ethan Q. 4.8 ★★★★☆ | 11 hours 38 min 33 sec ago |
Do you like the fact that there is no textbook required, instead you have PowerPoints and lecture notes ? Keep in mind although there is no textbook, you are a bit "on your own" to research information on the Internet. | Junior (3rd year) | Maya X. 4.7 ★★★★☆ | 5 hours 0 min 48 sec ago |
Analyze a leader's characteristics and style.-Explain the impact of the leader’s characteristics and management style on both the employees and Akim’s business. | Master's | Xavier I. 4.7 ★★★★☆ | 5 hours 6 min 31 sec ago |
Functional Types of Inventories-How does these types of inventories affect the decision-making strategies of the company?How do disruptions in the supply chain affect the operations of the business? | Master's | Maya X. 4.7 ★★★★☆ | 3 hours 21 min 2 sec ago |
Prepare a succinct press release, as described below, along with a “no further comment” notice to the staff: “The captain aboard flight 27 became ill during the flight and was taken to the hospital upon landing for observation.” | High School | Tanya F. 4.5 ★★★★☆ | 3 hours 38 min 27 sec ago |