What depictions of crows and ravens we have read so far reveal between humans and animals throughout time.

Paper 1 Assignment

In an essay of 5-6 double-spaced pages, explain what depictions of crows and ravens we have read so far reveal about the relationship between humans and animals throughout time. Use specific evidence (paraphrase, quotation) from at least three course texts to compose an
argument about how ravens and crows reflect human-animal relations. You will need to consider:

1) how the stories we’ve read reflect human-animal relations,

2) what the nature of those relationships is, and

3) if and how these relationships vary across texts, cultures, and

Your paper must have a thesis or overall argument, body paragraphs with topic sentences supported by textual evidence and direct quotes, and it must use proper MLA citations—both in-
text and Works Cited at the end of the paper. You must use at least three direct quotations from
course texts.

As a reminder, you are not allowed to use generative AI to compose this paper—use your own
brain, your thoughts on the readings, and notes from class discussions. Anyone using AI

software to write their papers will fail this assignment. You do not need to do research outside the course readings

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