What are some of the biggest challenges you encounter when trying to improve health literacy? What solutions can you offer to manage these challenges?

Topic: Week 2 Written Discussion: Opioid Simulation Reflection
After participating in the Pathways to Safer Opioid Use simulation exercise, reflect on the following:
Have you empowered a patient to believe they could make needed lifestyle modifications irrespective of the barriers that exist in their environment? Please provide examples. If so, you were engaged in health promotion activities as part of your nursing role.

Were there any strategies you used in this simulation exercise to improve patient health literacy? Are there any that you use that were not mentioned here? In your experience, how effective are these strategies?
What are some of the biggest challenges you encounter when trying to improve health literacy? What solutions can you offer to manage these challenges?

Topic: Blog (400- to 500-words): HEALTHCARE DELIVERY AND FINANCING
Nurses can play a critical role as advocates in U.S. healthcare by promoting policies that improve the quality, access, and delivery of care for patients. One area where nurses can have an impact is through advocating for payment models that support high-quality care and patient outcomes.

Payment models in healthcare refer to how healthcare providers are reimbursed for the care they provide. Historically, healthcare has been paid for based on the number of services provided, rather than the quality of care delivered. However, there has been a shift towards value-based payment models that incentivize high-quality, cost-effective care.
For this Discussion, you explain the impact of healthcare cost and payment models on the delivery, access, and quality of care.

Post an initial response addressing the following questions:
List and explain at least 3 different healthcare cost and payment models. Choose one of those three and explain how it affects delivery, access, and quality of care for patients.

What change(s) in the U.S. health system related to payment models are necessary to provide an opportunity for nursing to improve the quality and safety of healthcare delivery while minimizing health disparities? Be specific and provide examples.

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