Create a neatly formatted, well labeled Excel work product. Follow the model for a template presented on video.

An Excel File response question for this Module will provide another opportunity to follow the guidelines for a hypothesis test (and develop a template for this particular test). Specifically, this is an opportunity to execute the mechanics of the 5 step process on a hypothesis test for the difference between two population means using data … Read more

Create your own economic principle. Include what the principle is, what key actors are involved, what is the theory behind the principle, what problems does it solve and what could be some possible critiques of this economic principle.

Create your own economic principle. Include what the principle is, what key actors are involved, what is the theory behind the principle, what problems does it solve and what could be some possible critiques of this economic principle. Your response needs to be around 4-5 paragraphs long and include though out sentences! This is a … Read more

What does Foucault mean by “power”? How does it relate to “knowledge,” and how does knowledge operate?

Support your reasoning using only examples from the attached PDF Don’t forget to write your total word count at the end! According to Foucault, what is the relationship between the plague-stricken town and the panoptic establishment? In other words, why does he bring them up in the same chapter? What is his purpose for doing … Read more

Demonstrate creativity,critical thinking,and global outlook by identifying possible solutions to problems concerned

To enable the student to achieve the appropriate programme learning outcomes, e.g.Critical and Creative Thinking,Effective Communication,and Global Outlook,etc.through conducting an independent study Upon completion of the subject,students will be able to: a. identifv critical issues that could be investigated through the intended projects; b.apply concepts and knowledge systematically in analyzing the topics examined; c.demonstrate creativity,critical … Read more

How did you make your determinations and what were the details of the determination process?How would you plan for such a research process

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the following chapters from your textbook, and refer to the Research Proposal Project final project assignment as a reference in Week 6 for what you will be compiling for this project to gain an understanding of what research problem might be most appropriate. Chapter 1: The Nature … Read more

What type of graph would you use to display the organized data from each frequency distribution? What would be shown on each of the axes for each graph?

Graphing and Describing Data in Everyday Life Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 2—Section 2.1–2.4Links to an external site. Lesson 2 Reading Minimum of 1 scholarly source and one appropriate resource such as the textbook, math video, and/or math website In your reference for this assignment, be sure to include … Read more

Demonstrate the relevance of current events involving physical geography

Event Log Assignment Due the week of Exam #2 During the semester you should record environmental events: weather events (heavy rain, drought, winds, freezes), earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, and coastal inundation, tsunami events (seismic waves), biodiversity issues and species extinctions, landslides, record icebergs, Antarctic ice-shelf disintegration, stratospheric ozone updates, air pollution occurrences, or other significant … Read more