Systematic Lit Review Paper-Write a formal manuscript that synthesizes research related to an evidence-based educational practice, with a focus on place-based learning and the incorporation of local history into high school social studies curriculum.

Write a formal manuscript that synthesizes research related to an evidence-based educational practice, with a focus on place-based learning and the incorporation of local history into high school social studies curriculum. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to conduct a systematic literature review, analyze research, and communicate your findings in a scholarly, APA-formatted … Read more

Write a 500- to 600-word Op-Ed that analyzes the experiences of various European immigrant groups in the United States and how these experiences contributed to the evolving concept of “Whiteness.

Write a 500- to 600-word Op-Ed that analyzes the experiences of various European immigrant groups in the United States and how these experiences contributed to the evolving concept of “Whiteness.” Your Op-Ed should argue how European ethnic groups—initially seen as “outsiders”—became integrated into the “white” racial category over time. Detailed Instructions Develop a Clear Argument … Read more

Student Alcohol Consumption-Using the results of each of the three analyses, select and produce at least three MS Excel visualizations that show the significance of the results.

In the Content for Module 10, you will find a folder with case study descriptions and data files. Select one case study as the basis for your final report.Evaluate the data file and decide how best to analyze the data based on the scenario provided. Conduct the analysis by running three data mining strategies that … Read more

Does the author’s use and interpretation of this evidence lead the reader to the same conclusion? Did the author build a logical argument?

Select a current, professional journal article that is at least three pages in length. You must write a critical assessment of this article for this assignment. In preparation, follow the guidelines established below: Find an article (that is less than five years old) that pertains to the important issues leaders or consultants will face when … Read more

How do you plan to use your Walden education to positively impact your community? Why would this scholarship be impactful for you?

Utilize the entire word count to tell your story Catch the attention of the reviewer through a captivating introduction or opening. Be specific in your responses and provide examples. Be personal and share your passion about why you specifically should be offered a scholarship. Proofread and leave no room for error. How do you plan … Read more

Create a neatly formatted, well labeled Excel work product. Follow the model for a template presented on video.

An Excel File response question for this Module will provide another opportunity to follow the guidelines for a hypothesis test (and develop a template for this particular test). Specifically, this is an opportunity to execute the mechanics of the 5 step process on a hypothesis test for the difference between two population means using data … Read more

Create your own economic principle. Include what the principle is, what key actors are involved, what is the theory behind the principle, what problems does it solve and what could be some possible critiques of this economic principle.

Create your own economic principle. Include what the principle is, what key actors are involved, what is the theory behind the principle, what problems does it solve and what could be some possible critiques of this economic principle. Your response needs to be around 4-5 paragraphs long and include though out sentences! This is a … Read more

What does Foucault mean by “power”? How does it relate to “knowledge,” and how does knowledge operate?

Support your reasoning using only examples from the attached PDF Don’t forget to write your total word count at the end! According to Foucault, what is the relationship between the plague-stricken town and the panoptic establishment? In other words, why does he bring them up in the same chapter? What is his purpose for doing … Read more