Determine population-based strategies that incorporate health determinants to promote optimal health and prevent escalation of diseases and conditions.

NUR4922 Written Reflection (25 points) 1.Reflect on how you achieved each course competency and each transferable skill. a. Integrate leadership and management principles with knowledge of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory guidelines to enhance quality care and patient safety while functioning within legal and ethical parameters of professional nursing. b. Determine population-based strategies that incorporate … Read more

Applied Article

See detailed pdf here . Each student will be required to complete one applied article assignment that will be due approximately at the midpoint of the semester. Each student will be responsible for writing written summary of an OB-related business articles published in either 2023, or 2024 in one of the following outlets: Your summary … Read more

Text Mining and Sentiment Analysis-analyze tweets made by President Barack Obama to address the following questions: Import the text data (tweets) into Python from

The Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) is a popular library for natural language processing (NLP) in Python used to develop NLP applications and analyze text data. In this assignment, you will use NLTK to analyze tweets made by President Barack Obama to address the following questions: Import the text data (tweets) into Python from   Transform … Read more

Describe tactics for promoting healthy nutrition habits while avoiding an unhealthy concern/ over-obsession with nutrition?

Discussion 4: Body Image (2 students) Your Tasks TASK 1- ORIGINAL POST Please do the following in your original post: Explain the influence that body image ideals have on eating disorders and other mental health disorders. (5 points) Describe tactics for promoting healthy nutrition habits while avoiding an unhealthy concern/ over-obsession with nutrition? (5 points) … Read more

Describe the different characteristics of the four agonists and how each mediates distinct biological activities. Include proposed mechanisms and the receptor it is targeting.

In this Assignment, you will “scavenger” the literature as you research the agonist spectrum and key neurotransmitters and pathways targeted in psychopharmacology. You will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge as you create a Concept Map exploring each of the agonist spectrum listed below. Support your answers with evidence-based, peer-reviewed scholarly literature. APA style … Read more

CIT Showcase feedback-What content do you need clarification/what questions do you have? Be specific.

Need feed back for all three video showcases, address the following What content was helpful and how? Give specific examples. What ideas were generated from the showcase(s)? Be specific. What content do you need clarification/what questions do you have? Be specific. What aspects of the presentation were particularly effective and why? Give specific examples. What … Read more

Choose a topic from the Issues in Education infographic.

You are providing a professional development workshop on the critical reflection process to your colleagues. To provide a good workshop, you need to demonstrate how to effectively utilize critical thinking. To prepare for the workshop, you will create a handout to share as an exemplary application of the critical thinking process. For this assignment, design … Read more

Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above.

Assignment Conduct an online search through the Cuyamaca College Library Database. You will research the topic associated with the first letter of your last name from the list above. Use the Cuyamaca College Library Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on your topic. Write an essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch … Read more

How does the article relate to 6 major OB concepts and theories? For each OB concept or theory

See detailed pdf here . Each student will be required to complete one applied article assignment that will be due approximately at the midpoint of the semester. Each student will be responsible for writing written summary of an OB-related business articles published in either 2023, or 2024 in one of the following outlets: Your summary … Read more

Develop your skills in using the necessary tools and software.

Objective: Through hands-on implementation: Apply the theoretical concepts learned in the lecture. Develop your skills in using the necessary tools and software. Description: You are required to choose two labs from the available options and fully execute them. You have the freedom to select the two labs that you find most beneficial. Available Labs: Lab … Read more