INTRODUCTION (note that this section doesn’t actually get its own labeled heading like the others do)
The following should appear in this section:
o Purpose of the study.
Identify the problem being explored by the current study and why it is important. After discussing what the problem is and why it warrants further research, formally express
the purpose of the current research study clearly and concisely.
o Background literature. The main purpose of including background literature is to set up the current study, showing the progression of research in the topic area and how the hypothesis was reached, why the design was chosen, and so on. In the review of literature (the six or more empirical studies you read and used to design your study and hypotheses or research questions). As you review the
literature, be sure that for each empirical study you briefly summarize
what the study did and describe the main findings that are relevant to your own study (do not just pull quotes from the article). Use the
studies to provide justification for your hypotheses and/or background for your research questions. It is important to explain why you are making your prediction(s) and posing your question(s).The best
literature reviews integrate the literature rather than writing a string of article summaries. Be sure to cite sources used using APA 7 Style.
o Hypotheses (and/or Research Questions). The hypothesis details what is expected to happen in the study based on background literature. You will have already written these with your group (in the files below) .
In the attachment “Copy of COMM 88 research project) there are links to the empirical studies at the bottom, please only use those articles for referencing.
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