Reflection 6 Topic Name is – Scientific racism
There is no need of intext citation as it is the reading done in class
but most important.(Suggestion given by mam very very very improtant. only one of the topics you cover could be interesting, but they require more support. Reducing the number of claims you make while expanding them would help make your reflection more cohesive. In particular, I would recommend focusing on one argument per paragraph. Doing so would give you more opportunity to expand on your thoughts in a cohesive manner.)
(USE I AND Your task is not to summarize the week’s readings, but rather to critically and creatively engage with, and make sense of, the ideas and topics raised for the week.)
You are expected to submit 6 reflection papers out of 9 possible topics over the course of the semester. The length is 600 words. Reflection papers are due on Sundays by 11:59pm, beginning in Week 2 (see the class schedule) and are written on the previous week’s topic. For example, the paper due on FEB 15th should be written on “Scientific racism”.
Guidelines for reflection papers
• The main aim of the reflection papers is to provide you with a written means of
engaging with the readings and class discussions.
Reflection papers are written in response to readings and class discussions from the previous week and are due the Sunday after the preceding Tues/Thurs classes.
Do not summarize out
•Your task is not to summarize the week’s readings, but rather to critically and
creatively engage with, and make sense of, the ideas and topics raised for the week.
Here are some ideas that can help you focus your paper:
Engage with (respond to relate to, discuss, debate, compare, refute etc.) the
authors’ ideas or arguments.
Response to actual arguments
USE – ‘I’
A conversational tone is generally preferred written in the first-person (using I).
Informal way of writing
Provide reflection deeply
Try to make sense and how do you think
(If you write claims provide reasoning behind them)
Reflect on your learning: How has your thinking changed? What assumptions did you have that were challenged? What has been tricky, disturbing, upsetting, complicated, confusing, etc.?
It has to be followed in every paper, and in fact, it may be better to
choose all of these as a focus for your paper for the week.
• The reflection papers are meant to be part of your ongoing reflection on new and
sometimes complex ideas, and you can expect that your ideas about things will
change as the course progresses. This means that your papers can be
• The GRADING will look for evidence that you have read and thought about the course material when grading your papers, so read the papers deeply and perhaps even more than once, take notes, highlight passages that are interesting or intriguing, write out questions or connections in the margins, and use these to help you identify potential topics to explore in your reflection papers.
Format for submissions:
• APA 7 Referencing is only necessary if you want to cite materials other than those on
your reading list.
Font –Times New roman- 12 size.Use Proper Connectors . proper intro theiss line and conclusiojn should start like this – In conculsion.
• Paper adheres to the length guidelines – Length is 600 words exactly (2 double spaced pages).
• Quality is more important than quantity
A personal reflection will require you to think deeply about your own experiences. You will need to think about the ways in which your experiences have shaped you or your understanding of a particular issue. A personal reflection is about your perceptions rather than about extensive research that you have conducted.
A conversational tone is generally prefered written in the first-person (using I).
Three-stage model of reflective writing (have to used while writing )
Stage 1: What?
Stage 1 starts the reflection process through descriptive questions (see below) that you can answer in your reflective journals. You should normally complete this stage as you plan and prepare for an experience (e.g., teaching practicum, community service placement, other learning opportunity). This is the “before” stage.
What do I expect to get out of this experience (goals, outcomes, purpose, ideas)?
What were my initial observations (e.g., of the placement location, interactions between people, my reactions)?
What are the goals of agency, group, organization?
What do I already know about the specific context?
What did I think before?
What roles am I taking on?
What happened to me today
Stage 2: So what?
Stage 2 requires you to share meaningful experiences and provide an observation or analysis of these experiences. In this stage, you write about the day’s actions and what significance or consequences are attached to these actions. You are challenged to interpret the meaning of your experiences. You can answer the following questions in your reflective writing piece. This is the “during” stage.
What did this experience mean to me?
What did I do that was effective? Why was it effective?
What am I learning about others and myself?
What did I do that seems to be ineffective? How could I have done it differently?
What values, opinions, and/or decisions have been made through this experience?
Stage 3: Now What?
In stage 3, you will apply the lessons you have learned during one (or more) placements (or situations) to other situations and contexts. You will explore new understandings about yourself and community issues. Questions to guide you are listed below. This is the “after” stage.
How will that change my action perspective going forward?
Is it important for me to stay involved in the community?
What will the final results of my efforts be?
How will that change my action perspective going forward?
How can I use what I learned in my future placements or career?
What changes would I make in this experience if it were repeated?
How does this experience exemplify or contradict module materials?
It should contain no spelling errors and typos
For example, start line should; start a bit like this, line can be like this, Starting line- this week our professor thought,
READINGS which have to be used
The resources and link which has to be used is only 1(one) pdf which I have provided in the form of pdf to be analyzed by word to word and used properly.
NO OTHER SOURCE HAS TO BE USED ONLY these readings has to be used.
No outsource has to be used.
Reading are as follows:
READING NO-1 Bird, K. A., Jackson, J. P., & Winston, A. S. (2024). Confronting scientific racism in psychology: Lessons from evolutionary biology and genetics. American Psychologist, 79(4), 497–508.
And guidelines and you have to answer to this I am proving the grading rubrics everything write in own words do not use no AI AND CHATGPT AS MAM HAS THE SOFTAWARE TO DETECT.EACH AND EVERY LINE and each and every word.
I Have also attached the grading rubric photo which is in form of image grading rubric is very much important you have to follow each and every instruction very carefully.
only these sources which I have provided you have to use.
I have also attached the grading rubric photo each and every instruction has to be followed very carefully.
Suggestion given by mam intext citation should match with reference”(Make sure that you have the right authors in your citation and do not include any outsource out of course material).First you have to use this reading 1 reading and this Reading-1 is very very very important and has to be used studied deeply and understand deeply and then write original reflection paper5.
Suggestion given by mam very very very improtant. Any one of the topics you cover could be interesting, but they require more support. Reducing the number of claims you make while expanding them would help make your reflection more cohesive. In particular, I would recommend focusing on one argument per paragraph. Doing so would give you more opportunity to expand on your thoughts in a cohesive manner. As well With that mind, I would like to see you build more on the ideas that you mention. As-is, you often mention a concept in one sentence and then quickly move on to a different one in the next. Elaborating/exploring a question further would help increase the cohesion of your reflection and demonstrate how you engage with a specific concept.
90 – 100
The paper shows evidence of strong conceptual insight and good background preparation (e.g., engages with arguments; presents evidence in support of assertions; discusses the implications of their chosen topic(s) for their understanding of the discipline of Psychology; makes connections to ideas or literature outside of the course, or outside of Psychology; reflects on their learning) and goes beyond initial reactions to discuss topics in depth.
The paper is very well structured and organized, with logical flow and connections between ideas. The paper and topics are introduced, and conclusions are drawn.
It is exceptionally clearly written, with few grammatical errors, and sufficient context is given for topics or statements.
“Reducing the number of claims you make while expanding them would help make your reflection more cohesive.”
“Focus on one argument per paragraph.”
Too many claims in one paragraph:
Lack of expansion:
Although you raise critical points, you don’t provide enough evidence or explanation for each one.. Expanding on these terms with clear examples would strengthen your argument. an i will recommend HOW TOFIX IT- One argument per paragraph: Paragraph 1: Paragraph 2: Expand each argument: proper intro thesis statement, conclusion As With that mind, I would like to see you build more on the ideas that you mention. As-is, you often mention a concept in one sentence and then quickly move on to a different one in the next. Elaborating/exploring a question further would help increase the cohesion of your reflection and demonstrate how you engage with a specific concept.
this is just an example of how to write see how to it is written as folow :
After having peer group discussions and reflecting upon the ideas and concepts shared and taught by the professor this week, I found one of my peer’s experiences with healthcare, specifically mental healthcare, relevant. My peer hails from an Indigenous community. She confided in me that her family generally found it difficult to identify healthcare professionals who effectively understood and met their needs. During one of my lectures, I learned about the Decolonial Theory, which discourages a Eurocentric approach to healing, psychology, and knowledge. I used this approach to better understand my peer’s condition by researching Indigenous cultural standards and applying them to mental health processes. This helped me understand the situation. My peer’s family lacks access to quality and patient-centered care because of the Westernization of healthcare. Her community’s low educational levels and economic disadvantages exacerbate existing barriers. Decolonization of healthcare may be the solution to effectively addressing the healthcare needs of diverse populations. This may be done by acknowledging colonialism’s role in trauma, restoring Indigenous ways of knowing and healing, supporting cultural and traditional healing, and providing community-based mental health treatment. I think mental health equity and inclusion need greater decolonization. Thus, healthcare practitioners comprehend inclusivity.
During this reflection, I found that the beliefs and practices of Indigenous communities vary widely from those most of us know today (otherwise known as Western culture). I always assumed my peer and I led similar lives until she told me how her community led very traditional lives and upheld values and principles. In addition, the assigned reading outlines how different communities have different perceptions of trauma, healing, and identity. As well as concepts taught by my professor this week, it was highlighted that the Western culture’s approach to mental health is primarily individualistic, while Indigenous tribes prefer a socio-centric approach. I believe that all mental healthcare practitioners in Canada and across the world must strive to understand the cultural norms of the population they serve, intending to promote better outcomes. The decolonial theory will guide these efforts.
In addition to medical biases, as a result of colonial events during the Indian Residential System (IRS), specific Indigenous communities in Canada have lower education levels than other populations. Several Indigenous people missed out on potential career opportunities in this period. My colleague constantly emphasized that the majority of her grandparents’ and parents’ generations were unable to further their education owing to limited access to educational resources. I understood how the lack of such opportunities impacted my peer generation’s access to a good education.
I also observed that a community suffers financial losses when inadequate education is provided. I remember my friend telling me that since her family could not afford healthcare, members-only sought medical assistance when they were very sick. During one of my classes, my professor explained how the IRS is directly responsible for economic difficulties such as systematic inequality and generational poverty. I noticed that various structural challenges restrict indigenous communities access to basic needs. I believe that bringing Indigenous notions to healthcare can help tackle access and quality of care challenges for this demographic and others.
Based on my reflection, I could see the significance of education and economic stability in facilitating access to high-quality medical treatments, particularly for populations classified as teaching other people about the preferences and restrictions that exist in the context of healthcare, particularly in the field of mental health. Furthermore, to ensure that all Canadians have equal access to health care, the Canadian government has a number of policy implementation choices at its disposal. Also, I believe decolonization activities may improve Canada’s healthcare system by boosting access and quality.
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