Purpose: To provide PMO 1007 students an opportunity to consider a current or proposed policy position with respect to a global health issue/challenge.
Description: Students will select a global health issue/topic of personal interest
TOPIC: Access to Contraception and Family Planning Services
There is no rigid expectation for this effort. The intent is that each student engages a global health topic or issue in a purposeful, thoughtful, and substantive manner; thus developing a deeper understanding of the topic/issue articulated by way of a written paper of no less than 1,000 words and no more than 1,500 words.
No less than 1,000 words.
No more than 1,500 words.
Citations as appropriate; use MLA style.
Papers should be presented professionally and generally free of spelling and grammatical errors.
1. Introduction (Why this topic/issue?)
2. Describe the topic/issue; identify the relevance of the topic/issue; identify key/critical stakeholders.
3. Perspectives on the topic/issue; provide at least two perspectives health by relevant stakeholders.
4. Conclusion w/recommendations for action and/or questions for further study.
Definitions: purposeful, thoughtful, and substantive.
A purposeful paper is one that engages a pertinent, timely, and actionable global health topic/issue.
A thoughtful paper is one that engages the topic/issue in an orderly manner that captures relevant and balanced perspectives.
A substantive paper is one that expands the conversation on the given topic, using knowledge from and referring to the course materials or other related reference sources.
Last Completed Projects
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