Describe the methodology in a clear and concise way. This section should include the study design, participants, procedures, and tools used for data collection and analysis.

Your poster should include the following areas:

Title: The title should be catchy yet informative, summarizing the main point or finding of the research in a concise manner.
Authors and Affiliations: Include the names of all contributors and their institutional affiliations below the title.
Introduction: Provide a brief overview of the background and the purpose of the study/topic. This section should clearly state the research question or hypothesis.

Methods: Describe the methodology in a clear and concise way. This section should include the study design, participants, procedures, and tools used for data collection and analysis.
Results: Present the key findings with the use of charts, graphs, and tables. Make sure all visual elements are clearly labeled and easy to understand.

Discussion/Conclusion: Summarize the implications of the findings, their relevance to existing knowledge, limitations of the study, and potential future research directions.

References: List the key publications, sources, or data sets used in the research. This section can be minimal and should only include critical references. That’s right — list only 1 or 2 key references. Make sure they are formatted in APA format. (The rest of your resources will have been in your Conference paper, so no need to submit a separate list of all of the resources.)

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