Depending on your chosen project, you have the following options available as objectives for this milestone

Hide Assignment Information Instructions In the last project milestone, you’ve identified at least five UI/UX flaws in your original project, and now it is time to propose a visual solution for them. As a UI/UX designer, you are tasked with providing a mockup or wireframe of your suggested changes. Depending on your chosen project, you … Read more

Power Point Slides for Bed Bath and Beyond Company-Describe the potential impact of not acting on the selected challenge or opportunity. Use data to support your conclusion.

Important note: This final presentation will be 19 slides in total: five content slides from the Week 3 assignment [exclude the title slide], five slides from the Week 6 assignment [exclude the title slide], and nine slides from this assignment (which will also include some sections of the Week 7 communication plan). This includes a … Read more

How: The evidence was collected by researchers in Pittsburgh and also by a Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic. Stacy did a very good job at backing her information with what the researchers found.

It is important that you learn how to review research critically. In our society today, we are exposed to so much information and so many studies. Some of that information is excellent, some is useful, and some is very, very bad. How can you determine what information is useful and what is dangerous? One way … Read more

Describe it in the first paragraph, focusing on the subject and at least two of the points you will use. End the paragraph with a possible thesis statement for the compare and contrast essay.

Compose a 2-paragraph, 150-word response to this prompt: What subject have you chosen for your compare and contrast essay? Describe it in the first paragraph, focusing on the subject and at least two of the points you will use. End the paragraph with a possible thesis statement for the compare and contrast essay. Taking one … Read more

What are your thoughts on food ethics? Are there certain diets you adhere to? Are there ethical reasons if you do? If you don’t, do you believe that eating meat can be ethically sound?

What are your thoughts on food ethics? Are there certain diets you adhere to? Are there ethical reasons if you do? If you don’t, do you believe that eating meat can be ethically sound? Why or why not. For your blog you need to include at least two inline citations that show me you used … Read more

Write two media articles in the form of editorials (500 word limit for each editorial)

ASSESSMENT : DESCRIPTION This task requires you to consider the impact of business decisions from different perspectives and then write a cohesive argument to support others’ points of view rather than your own. This task is also designed to improve your business research skills. Researching the business environment is an important skill for any manager. … Read more

Using financial data such as the cash flow and metrics provided, evaluate the financing implications for the firm’s income statement from each option.

SCENARIO You are the manager of a business analysis team for Resources as Needed (RAN), a consulting firm. RAN supports other companies with experienced consultants for short-term projects in areas such as information technology, accounting, and change management. RAN’s executive leadership is requesting daily information and analysis around various financial metrics such as revenue earned, … Read more

Systematic Lit Review Paper-Write a formal manuscript that synthesizes research related to an evidence-based educational practice, with a focus on place-based learning and the incorporation of local history into high school social studies curriculum.

Write a formal manuscript that synthesizes research related to an evidence-based educational practice, with a focus on place-based learning and the incorporation of local history into high school social studies curriculum. This is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to conduct a systematic literature review, analyze research, and communicate your findings in a scholarly, APA-formatted … Read more

Write a 500- to 600-word Op-Ed that analyzes the experiences of various European immigrant groups in the United States and how these experiences contributed to the evolving concept of “Whiteness.

Write a 500- to 600-word Op-Ed that analyzes the experiences of various European immigrant groups in the United States and how these experiences contributed to the evolving concept of “Whiteness.” Your Op-Ed should argue how European ethnic groups—initially seen as “outsiders”—became integrated into the “white” racial category over time. Detailed Instructions Develop a Clear Argument … Read more

Does the author’s use and interpretation of this evidence lead the reader to the same conclusion? Did the author build a logical argument?

Select a current, professional journal article that is at least three pages in length. You must write a critical assessment of this article for this assignment. In preparation, follow the guidelines established below: Find an article (that is less than five years old) that pertains to the important issues leaders or consultants will face when … Read more