Presenting an evaluation design for project-What are the strengths of the design that you propose in your discussion post? Please support your thinking with course readings.

The focus of this discussion is on presenting an evaluation design for this project. **Note that the project has been completed, and the authors used an evaluation method. Please critique what they did and then discuss another approach that could be used to evaluate this project. * Comment on the relative strengths and weaknesses of … Read more

Real-World Financial Statement Analysis-Prepare a solvency analysis by computing and using the appropriate ratios to assess solvency.

Every paragraph must be at least 5 sentences long. Please add a second space after each sentence. Please make sure all references are only on the body sentences of a paragraph and not in the first or last sentence of a paragraph Prior to beginning work on this assignment, Read Chapter 12 in the course … Read more

How did the leader(s) affect organizational culture and promote adaptability in a climate of change or crisis?

Key Assignment Critical Thinking Leadership in Film Reflection (Identify, Synthesize, Analyze) Write a Leadership in Film Reflection to further develop the cinematic and leadership themes as presented in the body of work as a whole. This reflection will consist of a synthesis of all films/documentaries reviewed in the course to develop film appreciation through leadership … Read more

Create your own Epic Hero poem/story. Give your poem/story a title, and your hero a name. Your hero must take an adventure for a quest. What is the nature of the quest?

Create your own Epic Hero poem/story. Give your poem/story a title, and your hero a name. Your hero must take an adventure for a quest. What is the nature of the quest? Make sure that your hero possesses the qualities/characteristics of an epic hero and follows Joseph Campbell’s Stages of a Hero’s Journey. There is … Read more

Developing an Academic and Professional Network-Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse.

Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a practicing nurse. Explain why you selected these individuals and/or teams and how they will support your success in the MSN and PMC program and as a practicing nurse.

How do etiological theories of addiction (e.g., moral model, biological model, learning models, etc.) connect with your view of addiction and the recovery process?

Personal Use Reflection Project Final Reflection: Personal Use Final Reflection Paper: The Personal Use Reflection Paper is a summative response to the entire experience of the student’s personal use reflection project. In your final reflection of your project, you will include an evaluation of one of the major theories of addiction (CACREP Standard 3.C.5) and … Read more

What are the issues involved in protecting all of the organization’s information. Should all digital conversations be preserved and how, what are the legal aspects? How might an organization notify its users that all communications are being monitored and preserved?

Case Study: After reviewing the case studies (Business continuity and disaster recovery Reference Guide, Data Security – Top Threats to Data Protection, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery and Data Center Consolidation & Protect your organization’s sensitive information and reputation with high-risk data discovery) use the Finding Page document and answer (A) what are the issues & … Read more

Why did you choose these particular artifacts and what is their role within the report?

Question(s): In response to your peers, suggest ways a particular artifact they mentioned may affect the investigation if it is or is not included in the technical report. PEER POST # 1 When writing a technical report, especially in the context of digital forensics or cybersecurity, various artifacts are identified during the analysis of evidence. … Read more

Write a two page paper, plus the title page and a reference page. Writing Instructions (Please do read this)

Review Learning Objective Six (LO-6). Research the learning objective in the library and on the web. For this paper you will need to find an article in the library that relates to Learning Objective Six (LO-6) and summarize and discuss the article in the required paper. Remember to include a link to the article. Write … Read more

Describe how the company’s key product and brand elements fit the needs of the market for your selected zip code.

Select 1 consumer products company that is part of the Fortune 500 list. Refer to the Week 6 University Library page for assistance with this. Select 1 zip code for an area you are familiar with. Access the Claritas website and input your selected zip code into the Zip Code Look-up tool to access demographic … Read more