What do you think is the ultimate result of this migration? Has this group of voters achieved the free speech they sought?

After having learned about the logical fallacies, integration of research in arguments, and identification of a source’s trustfulness, it is now time for you to apply the knowledge. In this assignment, you will write a five-paragraphargumentative essay based on one of the two topics provided below. Please pay close attention when developing your counterarguments. When … Read more

What the gun prohibitionists advocate is impossible: a centuries-turning back of the clock to a point at which the presence of guns in American society might have been legally proscribed and practically prevented.

Decide whether each statement includes a fallacy, and if it does, identify what kind of fallacy it is. Explain your reasoning. Fallacy 1: People are born either good or poor at a subject. Nellie, for example, is naturally good at math, but Jubal, who has always struggled with math, went to the best schools and … Read more

Discuss any notable improvements or drawbacks resulting from the policies. Consider the perspectives of various stakeholders and provide evidence to support your analysis.

Purpose This assignment is intended to help you learn to critically analyze a policy challenge in your local (city) government, understand its origins, assess the implemented policy actions, and evaluate the impact on the community. Overview In this series of assignments, you will be tasked with choosing a topic (or an issue) you would like … Read more

Discuss at least 2 pieces from the past two weeks of course content. Try to focus not on summary but on your thoughts on what you’ve read.

A class reflection is a reflection on an important point or something you learned from the readings of the previous two weeks, as well as any questions you have. Please aim for at least 500 words, or approximately two pages double-spaced (size 12 font). Discuss at least 2 pieces from the past two weeks of … Read more

Explain exactly what will take place, what you will teach, how you will model, what you and the student will do together, and what the student will do alone.

Now that you have read Chapters 7 and 8, read the attached document from the Nebraska DoE. Next, analyze the information in the attached Reading Scenario document. Then, use the attached Mini Lesson template to create a plan for each student. Fill in the student’s name and the morphological skill the plan is addressing. Provide … Read more

She ends her chapter on discussing love as a verb. Thinking about this chapter and watching Marriage Storywhat similarities do you notice? Do you believe that at any point in this film love was the verb as hooks describes it?

Discussion Board Four! – Discussion Board Group 1 In 1-2 minutes use the prompt questions below. Be sure to include at least 2 course references in your post. You can literally just say what they are in your video or voice note. You just need to show me where you got your information in some … Read more

Write a discussion post on how you are feeling at this point in the semester about your progress with your portfolio and preparation for the LMSW exam

INSTRUCTIONS It is anticipated that the initial discussion post should be in the range of 250-300 words. Response posts to peers have no minimum word requirement but must demonstrate topic knowledge and scholarly engagement with peers. Substantive content is imperative for all posts. All discussion prompt elements for the topic must be addressed. Please proofread … Read more

Business Ethics and Organization Social Responsibility-Virtue Ethics – What action aligns with Pat’s integrity and moral

Business Ethics and Organization Social Responsibility Case study Scenario: The Layoff Pat is the plant manager at one of ABC Company’s five plants. She has been with the company for 15 years and worked her way up from the factory floor after the company sponsored her college education. Recently, her boss confided in her that … Read more

Explore your strengths and your challenges with clients, colleagues, co-workers and supervisors.

You are expected to write about yourself and your development over the duration of this course. Using your journals in support of your narrative and referring to entries that you might find relevant, explore your strengths and your challenges with clients, colleagues, co-workers and supervisors. Write about your anxieties, biases and your successes. Talk about … Read more

What can you do as a nurse to advocate and/or promote inclusion for this population.

Gerontological Nursing This discussion provides an opportunity to explore a topic from a different perspective and interact with your fellow classmates. For this discussion, answer the prompt below (initial response must be 150–250 words), provide at least two peer-reviewed references, and use APA (7th edition) guidelines. The YouTube video does not meet reference requirements. This … Read more