Does it have an introduction telling us what the video is about and how much to watch?

Educational culture Your task is to create an IMPACTFUL, interesting, and informative presentation for the class, including an audio-visual component, a handout for classmates and an APA formatted reference page. A PowerPoint presentation, which contains: an introduction of the topic and group members that tells the class the organization of the presentation info on 1 … Read more

Cyber Security Question-focuses on website spoofing and cybersecurity attacks. The scenario involves running a small cybersecurity training business threatened by free training initiatives.

focuses on website spoofing and cybersecurity attacks. The scenario involves running a small cybersecurity training business threatened by free training initiatives. The assignment requires cloning a website using HTTrack, modifying it to include a malicious PDF download (logic bomb), and spoofing the original domain via the Windows hosts file. The lab also involves setting up … Read more

Identify and analyze at least three technological innovations that are expected to shape the future of television.

EACH QUESTION SHOULD BE A MINIMUM OF TWO PAGES. You must use a minimum of 7 scholarly sources beyond your text book.(Television: The Critical View; Newcomb, Horace., Oxford University Press, 2007 ISBN: 978-0-19-1530116-8) Each question should be a minimum of two pages. Please put the question at the top of each page. With rapid advancements … Read more

Do you believe that love is an integral part of enacting justice? Give one current justice related issue (can be social, political, etc.) that you see love being a foundational component of helping to enact real change.

Do you believe that love is an integral part of enacting justice? Give one current justice related issue (can be social, political, etc.) that you see love being a foundational component of helping to enact real change. Use one (or more) of the definitions of love that Myisha Cherry uses in her chapter. What other … Read more

Compare and contrast evidence-based interventions used in communities with similar environmental health issues.

For your final project assignment, you will create a community resource guide to help your chosen community adapt to, and possibly mitigate (reduce), the effects of climate change on the local public health issue you have been studying. You will also create an infographic to accompany the resource guide. Review the course project descriiption, your … Read more

develop the requested preliminary over-arching critical infrastructure-related assessment framework and then use your developed assessment framework to make an initial evaluation of the critical infrastructure-related capabilities you deem “most important” for Salt Lake City UT and its surrounding region.

The following information is provided to UMGC HSMN 625 students as a way to establish a real-world, scenario-based learning experience. References to the DHS organization up to the CIRRUS Division are fact-based; that is, real people and existing offices within the DHS organizational structure. References to the CIRRUS Division itself and related CIRRUS information is … Read more

Health Promotion for Multicultural Populations-What levels of change would be sought in your program?

Mortality and morbidity from health-related causes have been increasing for the past several years among several population groups living in a large multicultural metropolitan community. The local health jurisdiction, private providers, voluntary agencies, and community members are very concerned and want to reduce the number of deaths and illnesses drastically. Local government officials recognize that … Read more

How might these innovations transform the relationship between viewers and television programs?

Each questions should be a minimum of two pages. You must use a minimum of 7 scholarly sources beyond your text book.(Television: The Critical View; Newcomb, Horace., Oxford University Press, 2007 ISBN: 978-0-19-1530116-8) Each question should be a minimum of two pages. Please put the question at the top of each page. With rapid advancements … Read more