The Emergence of Star Firms-discuss star firms in general, then use Netflix as the choice to apply.

A major topic in the recent strategy literature relates to the emergence of star (superstar) firms – firms that operate in multiple markets, enjoy large market shares across the globe, experience persistent growth, exercise enormous market power, and hold a large amount of cash. Understanding the origins, drivers and strategies of star firms helps shed light on the secretes of corporate success and lessons on how to build a star firm. You are asked to study the academic literature to explain origins, drivers, and strategies of star firms and outline managerial lessons for developing successful firms.

1. Please discuss star firms in general, then use Netflix as the choice to apply.

2. Please refer to the attached Marking Guidelines and apply the key concepts and theories below.

– Initial Firm Characteristics
– Productivity & Darwinian Selection
– Scale economies / Winner-take-most Dynamics
– Globalisation

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