Presenting an evaluation design for project-What are the strengths of the design that you propose in your discussion post? Please support your thinking with course readings.

The focus of this discussion is on presenting an evaluation design for this project.
**Note that the project has been completed, and the authors used an evaluation method. Please critique what they did and then discuss another approach that could be used to evaluate this project.
* Comment on the relative strengths and weaknesses of the evaluation in the article.
* Think about a different evaluation design that could be used for this project.

* What is the purpose of the evaluation you would design?
* What design would you use to evaluate the outcomes of the project?
* Who are the participants in your evaluation?
* What are the strengths of the design that you propose in your discussion post? Please support your thinking with course readings.
* What are the limitations of your planned evaluation design?
Recall from the evaluation plan assignment that some information may be readily available, other information may not be available when you need it, and some options may be too costly or otherwise not feasible.
This initial post can be ***up to 500 words*** (references do not count against the word count) and should include citations from your course readings and other relevant citations that provide specific insight into the design purpose, the specific problem that was being addressed (i.e., best practices for a clinical problem, EBP relevant to this issue, etc.)., the design approach, and any strengths and limitations.
***Use the headings shown above*** so that it is clear you have addressed all of these points.

Criteria to meet:
-Briefly critiqued the evaluation design in the article. Described the purpose of an evaluation they would design, discussed participants, and discussed strengths and limitations of evaluation design.
-Discussion post was supported by at least three of the assigned readings and/or extant literature.
-Writing is clear and well-organized. Spelling and grammar correct. APA format is used consistently in both posts and reference list.

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