Now that we are well into the semester, please tell me your goal by taking these real estate classes at Cuyamaca College. Do you wish to get a real estate license or for now just learn some consumer protection ? There are several areas of real estate that you can consider for a career; not just sales, but property management, appraisal, escrow or title insurance and of course loan officer ! Also, tell me why you chose Cuyamaca College versus other community colleges in the county.
This 8-week real estate finance class is half over already, so let’s do a midterm status check.
1 How do you like taking an 8-week class versus the full 16-week semester classes ? Keep in mind the 8-week format it is twice the work each week.
2 Overall, how do you like real estate finance, do you find it interesting ? Keep in mind most people who purchase a home need to get a home loan, so the topic is rather important.
3 Do you like the fact that there is no textbook required, instead you have PowerPoints and lecture notes ? Keep in mind although there is no textbook, you are a bit “on your own” to research information on the Internet.
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