Applied Article

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. Each student will be required to complete one applied article assignment that will be due approximately at the midpoint of the semester. Each student will be responsible for writing written summary of an OB-related business articles published in either 2023, or 2024 in one of the following outlets:

Your summary must address all the following prompts:
A short introduction that summarizes the purpose of the article
Discuss the key points of the article, and why you think it was written
2. How does the article relate to 6 major OB concepts and theories?
For each OB concept or theory, please:
1) mention the theory’s name as specifically as possible (for instance, an OB concept would be “active listening”, or “internal locus of control”, and an OB theory could be “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs”, “traits theories of leadership”) & briefly explain its meaning in 2-3 sentences (for instance, you can cite or provide its definition);
2) describe how this concept or theory is concretely relevant in the specific situation described in your applied article.
Tip: Avoid using concepts that are too broad (i.e., Job Attitudes) in favor of concepts that are specific (i.e., Affective Commitment)
3. What are 3 practical/applied implications of this article for managers or the organization?
Tip: Describe key takeaways from the article. How can managers or organizations concretely use this information to improve their business practices (what should they start doing after reading the article)?
Make sure you follow all the FORMATTING guidelines below (10 points):
When you cite the textbook or the lecture, please cite as follows (2 points): (Chapter 4, Nelson & Quick, 2024, p. X); or for the lecture “Dr. X, 2024, lecture on Stress, slide number X.” To be compliant with UTA’s Honor Code, make sure you do not plagiarize by copy-pasting text that you did not write (either from a book, a website, or from an AI source – suspicions of violations will be systematically referred to Student Conduct – see the syllabus for details).

Use section headings to introduce each of the 3 prompts, and use bold for each of your 6 OB concepts (2 points).
Include the full citation of your article in the following format (2 points).
Author Name. Year. “Title of Article.” Name of Journal, Full Date (month and day). DIRECT LINK to the article (meaning that I do not have to make any additional clicks to access your article after clicking the link).
The applied article assignments must be at least one and a half pages of single-spaced text, in size 12 Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font, with no more than one-inch margins. (4 points; points will be deducted if the text is more than one and ¾ of a page, OR if it is less than one and a half page).

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