Power Point Slides for Bed Bath and Beyond Company-Describe the potential impact of not acting on the selected challenge or opportunity. Use data to support your conclusion.

Important note: This final presentation will be 19 slides in total: five content slides from the Week 3 assignment [exclude the title slide], five slides from the Week 6 assignment [exclude the title slide], and nine slides from this assignment (which will also include some sections of the Week 7 communication plan). This includes a title slide and a cumulative sources slide.
Slide 1: Title slide. Add the name of the company as a subtitle, as well as your name and the date.
Slides 2-6: Insert the five content slides from the Week 3 Assignment – Gathering the Data. (Company Background, Operations, Key Financial

Data, SWOT Analysis, Challenges or Opportunities = 5 slides)
Slides 7-11: insert the five content slides from the Week 6 Assignment – Analysis and Recommendation. (Challenge or Opportunity, Competitor Solutions – Competitor 1, Competitor Solutions – Competitor 2, Recommendation Title, Recommendation Approach and Focus = 5 slides)
Slide 12: NEW SLIDE for Assignment 3 – Potential Impact of Waiting. Describe the potential impact of not acting on the selected challenge or opportunity. Use data to support your conclusion. (Detailed explanations should be included in the speaker notes.)
Slide 13: NEW SLIDE for Assignment 3 – Potential Return on Investment. Evaluate the potential return on investment (ROI) for acting on this challenge or opportunity. Use data to support your explanation. (Detailed explanations should be included in the speaker notes.)
Slide 14: NEW SLIDE for Assignment 3 – Implementation Strategy. Create an implementation strategy that advises the company’s leadership on how to create a sense of urgency and shared mission around implementing the business consulting plan. (Detailed explanations should be included in the speaker notes.)

Slides 15-16 will come from your Week 7 communication plan activity. (Note: Be sure you have addressed and incorporated instructor feedback.)
Slide 15: NEW SLIDE for Assignment 3 – Communication Plan – Overall Objective. State the overall objective of the communication plan and the key stakeholders directly or indirectly impacted by the recommended strategy. Indicate if the stakeholder will be leading or following the change(s). (A detailed explanation should be included in the speaker notes.)
Slide 16: NEW SLIDE for Assignment 3 – Communication Plan – Stakeholder Channels. Determine the appropriate stakeholder communication channels to provide information and actively listen to concerns or recommendations. Explain how this is inclusive and motivating to the organizational culture. (A detailed explanation should be included in the speaker notes.)
Slides 17-18 address the entire consulting plan.
Slide 17: NEW SLIDE for Assignment 3 – Timeline. Provide a timeline for the implementation of the entire business consulting plan (recommendation). Be sure to include important milestones and deadlines. (Detailed explanations should be included in the speaker notes.)
Slide 18: NEW SLIDE for Assignment 3 – Next Steps. Summarize the next steps in the business consulting plan (recommendation) and specify the key individuals or departments responsible for executing and overseeing the implementation plan. This promotes accountability and clarity in the process. (Detailed explanations should be included in the speaker notes.)
Slide 19 should include ALL sources used throughout the project (all three assignment submissions). You may add an additional Sources slide if needed.

Slide 19: Sources slides. Use three or more quality sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source slide at least one time within your assignment. (Note: The final sources slide should be cumulative and include all sources used in the three assignments.)
For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library.
Combine all of your slides from week 3, week 6, and this week’s assignment together into one singular PowerPoint presentation file. This is the full pitch deck for the business consulting plan (recommendation) that you would present to the company leadership. (Note: See the guide in the resources section for help on how to reuse and combine slides into a PowerPoint presentation.)

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