Political Organization Question-Does statelessness exist in wealthy countries such as the United States? How does the status of the “Dreamers” (people who entered the United States illegally as young children) compare with that of the stateless?

Answer the following:

1. Does statelessness exist in wealthy countries such as the United States? How does the status of the “Dreamers” (people who entered the United States illegally as young children) compare with that of the stateless?

2. What are the responsibilities of the governments toward the stateless? Do the United States and other powerful nations have responsibilities toward groups such as the Rohingya?

3. The United States and Canada are two of only 33 countries that have jus soli, the right to citizenship of any individual born on their soil. Why do you think this right is so limited, and do you believe it should be expanded?

4. Should we resign ourselves to the continued growth of the gig economy or fight for the right to full-time labor with benefits to and protections for workers?

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